Out-Reach Ministry

Out-Reach Ministry

The purpose of the Outreach Ministry is to model Christ’s concern for people, both individually and collectively, in communities. Rooted in the finished work of Christ on the cross, our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone we meet through personal witnessing. The cross compels us to reach out with compassion, justice, and advocacy, addressing the needs and concerns of people beyond our congregation.


Through the power of the cross, we are empowered to extend Christ’s love and grace to the world. Our Outreach Ministry is dedicated to bridging the gap between the church and the wider community, ensuring that the transformative message of the Gospel reaches all corners of society. By embodying the sacrificial love demonstrated on the cross, we aim to bring hope, healing, and restoration to those in need.


As we carry out this mission, we remember that ‘God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ (Romans 5:8). This foundational truth drives our commitment to serve and uplift others, reflecting the profound impact of Christ’s finished work on the cross in every act of outreach and ministry.


Our Objectives

Our Outreach Ministry, rooted in the finished work of Christ on the cross, is dedicated to understanding and meeting the diverse needs of our local community. Through the transformative power of the cross, we are guided to:


1. Analyze the Local Community: We examine the breadth and scope of needs within our community, ensuring that our efforts are targeted and effective.


2. Assess Congregational Strengths and Abilities: We evaluate our congregation’s unique strengths and capabilities for outreach, allowing us to respond appropriately and effectively within our God-given talents and resources.


3. Determine Appropriate Responses: Based on our analysis and assessments, we identify suitable actions that align with our congregation’s abilities, strengths, and interests, all while being inspired by the sacrificial love of Christ.


Our Focus Areas

– Compassion: Addressing the immediate needs of individuals, families, and communities, such as providing food, clothing, emergency housing, and employment support. Inspired by Christ’s compassion on the cross, we strive to meet urgent needs with love and care.


– Assistance: Tackling broader community changes related to welfare, long-term housing, education, community economic development, and health services. Empowered by the cross, we engage in initiatives that foster long-term improvements and community well-being.


– Offer Encouragement and Support: We provide encouragement and support for those participating in outreach ministries, fostering a spirit of unity and purpose derived from the cross.


5. Track Activities: We meticulously track the activities of the church through sponsored events, activities, and individual actions, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement in our outreach efforts.


6. Provide Spiritual, Educational, and Social Events: Our ministry organizes spiritual, educational, and social events throughout the community to promote Godly relationships. Through these events, we extend the message of the cross, offering a church family to those in our community and surrounding areas who don’t yet know Jesus.


Guided by the finished work of Christ on the cross, our objectives are clear: to serve with compassion, assist with dedication, encourage with love, and connect through meaningful relationships. ‘For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’ (Luke 19:10) This mission, rooted in the cross, drives our commitment to outreach and transformation in our community.


Our Goals

1. Loosen the Bands of Wickedness: Inspired by the finished work of Christ on the cross, we aim to free individuals from spiritual and moral bondage. Through dedicated outreach efforts, we will bring the light of the Gospel to dispel darkness and sin in our community.


2. Undo the Heavy Burdens: Reflecting Christ’s compassion, we seek to alleviate the burdens carried by individuals and families. Our outreach programs will provide practical support such as food, clothing, and emergency housing, offering relief and hope to those in need.


3. Break Every Yoke: Empowered by the redemptive power of the cross, we strive to break the chains of oppression and addiction. By offering assistance in areas like long-term housing, education, community economic development, and health services, we aim to foster lasting transformation and freedom.


4. Promote Godly Relationships: Through spiritual, educational, and social events, we will nurture Godly relationships within the community, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience the love and fellowship of Christ.


5. Build a Church Family: We are committed to providing a supportive church family for those in our community and surrounding areas who don’t know Jesus. Our outreach initiatives will create inclusive spaces where individuals can encounter the grace and redemption offered through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.


By pursuing these goals, we align our ministry with the mission of Christ, ensuring that His finished work on the cross continues to transform lives and communities. ‘Is not this the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?’ (Isaiah 58:6)”.