In-reach Ministry

In Reach Ministry

The In-Reach Ministry is a dynamic and transformative ministry that empowers the people of the church to move forward in the spirit of excellence.


Specializing in ministering to all genders, this ministry aims to build Godly individuals, nurturing and grooming them into people of virtue.


Grounded in the finished work of Christ on the cross, the In-Reach Ministry is a beacon of hope and transformation. Through His sacrifice, we are inspired to cultivate excellence and virtue in every member of our community. Our yearly conference and two mini-conferences are powerful, anointed gatherings that draw us closer to Christ, fostering a deeper understanding of His love and grace.


Leading the people into worship is an awesome experience, and while the challenge is always great, we are continually strengthened by the redemptive power of the cross. As we strive to reach higher heights in Christ daily, we embrace the vision of our house, birthed in the spirit of our Pastor. We move forward with confidence, knowing that the best is yet to come, anchored in the enduring promise of Christ’s finished work on the cross. ‘Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 1:6).